Frequently Asked Questions
What is PNGHUT?
PNGHUT is the largest database of free to download transparent PNG images. All our content is created & uploaded by our users. Anyone is able to contribute to PNGHUT.
I have a question, how can I reach PNGHUT?
Please use our contact form to get in touch with us.
How do I upload to PNGHUT?
In the header bar you will find an upload button. Uploading is only available to members of PNGHUT. New accounts are not able to upload, but we unlock the uploading feature after a certain period of time. This delay is there to prevent misuse.
What kind of content can I upload?
Please only upload images with transparent backgrounds. Images without transparent background will be rejected. Make sure you do not upload any copyrighted content.
How are images licensed?
All images on PNGHUT are user generated/uploaded. By default, images are only available for Personal Use. Commercial Use is not allowed. PREMIUM members can request Commercial Use rights from uploaders via the user contact form. This is often granted but not guaranteed. More information about licenses can be found in our Terms of Service.
How much can I download?
To download we require you to be logged into your account. We allow free members 2 downloads per day. If you download the same image multiple times, it only counts as 1 download. PREMIUM members have no daily download limits, but if we detect bot-like download behaviour, we can temporarily apply download limits.
How can I remove an image?
Please send us the link(s) to remove via our contact form. We will then quickly take action.
How can I change my username?
To change your user name, please visit your profile page.
How can I remove my account?
You can visit this page to delete your account.